Elementary School Children are too Young to Learn Sex Education

Myth: Elementary school children are too young to learn sex education.

Fact: The comprehensive sex education is focused on providing age-appropriate sex education to the children. Elementary school children are generally given the basic foundation in all the different subjects, which later expands in the academics as they grow up. So is the sex education, where the children are given basic understanding about their body and also train them to inform the concerned people, if someone touches them inappropriately. India is a country where most child sex abuses are reported; this can be greatly reduced through proper sex education.

The following is a synopsis of the curriculum based on the age of the children. It might be more or less the same curriculum that is followed across the countries:

Infants: 0 – 2 years – Teach actual names of their body parts including genitals

Early childhood: 2 – 5 years – Basic knowledge of reproduction; difference between a man & woman; knowledge of good touch and bad touch & how to report during bad touch

Middle & Late Childhood: 5 – 10 years – Identify different relationships, especially marriage and changes in their body, feelings and attitude (physiological & psychological)

Early Adolescence: 10 – 15 years – Knowledge about sex, puberty, menstruation, types of sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual), transgender, etc. The need for safe sex methods and the STDs are also included.

Also, Read: Sex Education is Majorly Required Only for Girls

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