What is Circumcision?

Circumcision is a process of removing the foreskin from the human penis. This process is done as soon as the child is born or while the boy reaches the adolescence age according to their religious beliefs and sometimes, for medical reasons. According to the estimates of National Institutes of Health published in March 2016, the male circumcision is more prevalent in United States and few parts of Africa & Middle East.


As per the religious beliefs, the process of circumcision is done as a mark of purifying their body and soul. The process of circumcision is also done for old children and adults to treat certain medical conditions like Balanoposthitis, Phimosis and Paraphimosis. However, in medical terms there is little evidence that circumcision process for newborn child will provide medical benefits.

Parents, who choose to perform circumcision for their newly born boy child, it would be usually done within the first ten days. Some choose to do it in the hospital or at home, after following certain religious rituals. It is usually performed after administering general anesthesia to new born baby, young or old adult.

The process of circumcision claims certain advantage in the following aspects: decreasing the risk of certain urinary infections, especially during infancy; decreasing the risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and penile cancer, etc by promoting the genital hygiene. However, there are certain limitations in terms of pain experienced during the process and the perceived disfigurement by others. At the same time, if the process goes wrong, it might lead to excessive bleeding, infection and poor healing.

Hence, talk to your parents and family doctor to understand what are the benefits and risks associated in it. As such, there is no universal rule that the process should be done, as it might be painful, especially in grown-ups, though it claims some medical benefits.

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