Why is the voice of the boys changing in their adolescence?

Out of the several changes in the physiological body, the change in voice is a very evident change in the adolescent boy. The change is due to the enlargement of the larynx, otherwise called voice box, due to which the voice gets deep for the boys. For both the boys and girls, the larynx gets enlarged and becomes thick, but the difference in voice is only noticeable for the boys. Only for specific tones, the voice gets deepened for girls and hence it is not noticeable.


On medical terms, the larynx is located in the throat that plays a role in creating the sound. The working of the larynx can be compared to that of the rubber band. Assume, you hold a rubber hand in your forefinger and thumb finger. When it is stretched as far as one can and try to twang it, it produces high pitch sound. On the other hand, if the rubber band is thicker, the sound is not so deep. The same mechanism applies with larynx. There are two vocal cords, which are two tiny muscles that stretch like a rubber band across the larynx. As we are a child, infant or a toddler, the larynx is very small and thick and it is because of this, the children’s voice are higher than adults. As the larynx grows, the vocal cords also thicken, thereby resulting in a deep voice. In the process, the facial bones are also continuously growing along with the larynx, thereby giving more space around nose and throat to resonate, i.e., to produce deep sound. During this process, the boys can crack their voice to produce unpredictable sounds, which may or may not be observable. However, when the larynx is grown completely, they become normal.

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