
“Why am I having a sore breast causing pain in it?”

Sore Breasts: During puberty, the growth of the breast bud resulting in enlarged breasts can cause pain around the nipples.…

Why do some girls experience soreness in breasts with pain?

During puberty, the growth of the breast bud resulting in enlarged breasts can cause pain around the nipples. It is…

Are there any breast enlargement techniques for adolescent girls?

Breasts are the important sex organ of the female body, which is predominantly used for lactating and breastfeeding purposes. Until…

Why do girls have facial hair like a mustache and a beard?

Girl's facial hair: Excessive growth of thick hair is also termed as Hirsutism. Hirsutism is seen rarely in women and…

Which sanitation method is considered as an effective one?

There are increasing debates by various doctors and researchers as to which sanitation method is considered an effective one. However,…

What are the different methods of sanitation available?

Traditionally, the women in India have known to be using the folded clothes as strips during their periods. These clothes…

How to maintain cleanliness during menstruation?

Due to the traditional mindset of the Indian girls to hide periods or menstrual cycles from other, least importance is…

Under what circumstances menstruation should be considered irregular and medical advice should be taken?

irregular Menstruation: There are two important aspects that should usually be considered as important and should be monitored; one is…

Is it possible to experience any symptoms before getting my periods?

Usually before the periods, certain symptoms might be experienced that indicates the onset of the menstrual cycle. These are referred…

What should be considered as a healthy menstruation?

One must understand that the menstrual cycle of each month might be different for different women. Especially, during the initial…

What are the biological reasons for having menstruation?

Biological reasons for having menstruation: In order to better understand the biological reasons behind the menstruation, it is necessary to…

What is Meant by Menstruation or Menarche? Are They Different?

Menstruation, otherwise called periods or menses, is a discharge of blood called the bleeding, along with little tissue from the…