What is Referred to as Balanced Diet and Why is it Important?

In order to maintain good health, it is essential to have a balanced diet. The balanced diet is about having the right amount of nutrients in the right proportion, so that our physical and mental health functions in a smooth manner. There are six essential nutrients for the body, which perform different functions of the body. They are Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals and water.

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The Carbohydrates serve as a main source of energy for the brain, without which the body functions cannot be carried out properly. Proteins are essential for building and repairing the body tissues and cells. Different Vitamins are required for different purposes, A for good vision, B for muscles, C & D for bones and gums, E for skin and hair, etc. Fat is responsible for absorbing the Vitamins into the body. Minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium are required for body tissues, bones and teeth. Finally, water is necessary to transport the nutrients and also to remove the body waste.

Though all the above are the essential nutrients, it is necessary to consume them only in the right proportion. When under consumed or over consumed, it might lead to health complications. For example, when carbohydrates is consumed minimally, the overall body functioning might reduce, thus feeling very tired and sick. On the other hand, when consumed largely, they are stored as body fat, thus leading to weight gain.

In order to understand what comprises a balanced diet, following the food pyramid will be very useful. The food pyramid gives details of the food along with the quantity. Accordingly, it is necessary have the whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables in abundance. The nuts, seeds and vegetable oils can be consumed in a moderate manner, while the diary, eggs, sweets and fatty foods should be consumed in a minimal number.

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