What are the different types of birth control methods available in India?

Birth Control methods are of two types: permanent and temporary.

Permanent birth control methods are those wherein the control processes cannot be reversed. Usually men and women, who already have children, adopt such permanent methods. Some of the most commonly used permanent birth control methods for men are Vasectomy, while for women, it is Essure and Tubal ligation.

Temporary birth control methods can be adopted by both men and women for two reasons: one, who wanted to postpone the pregnancy and the other, is to avoid the risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) during the sexual activity. Some of the temporary control methods used by men are condoms and pull-out and for women, there are lot of options such as female condoms, vaginal ring, oral pills and Intrauterine devices (IUDs). For women, the breastfeeding can also be an effective birth control method.

Though many think that the birth control methods are effective in controlling the STDs, it is not so. Except for male condoms, the remaining control methods are effective only in terms of preventing pregnancy, irrespective of whether it is a permanent or temporary method. It cannot be used as a method to prevent the transfer the STDs.  Even in terms of pregnancy, these birth control methods can prevent pregnancy only to a certain probability. For example, in women, the IUDs and Tubal ligation and in men, the Vasectomy is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. Male condoms are only 85% effective in preventing pregnancy, while the female condoms are even less effective.

See Also: Various factors involved in choosing the right birth control method

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